We'll prepare your students with skills they need to succeed in ANY environment.
We'll help your students to collaborate on storylines for energy-filled videos that will give THEM goals to work towards and give YOU benchmarks to assess their progress.
By critically evaluating their audio and video performance (deliberate practice), your students will become wholistic musicians!

EYS Project-Based Experiences
2 hours of live Zoom workshop time per song. You'll get sheet music, play-along tracks, and tutorial videos. Students will film themselves and our team will edit music videos for you to share. SEE BELOW FOR FULL DESCRIPTION.
Performance and
Master Classes
Providing young musicians and singers with essential skills to help them own the spotlight - on stage and off!
Compositions and Arrangements
Mark Wood original compositions and arrangements (for orchestra, band, and choir) start at only $75 apiece.
Keep your students engaged and inspired by having them create their own music videos and storylines! You and your students will be proud to share the final product with your administration, friends, family, your community, and local media.
Choose songs from our extensive catalogue and for each song, you'll get:
2 hours of live Zoom visits with your students that can be spread out over the course of up to 4 weeks.
Full group workshop time
Smaller ensembles for individualized attention
Tutorial and performance videos for your students to work with.
A fully produced music video for each of the songs you choose.
A performance workshop.
A movement workshop.
BONUS: A 1-hour Zoom "performance hang" with Mark for your entire community.
BONUS (for orchestra programs only): "Hip-Hop 101" - A free unit of study that you can use for an entire semester's worth of learning!
And, whenever you're ready, we can implement the next level of integration by upgrading to a full-fledged EYS, with in-person visits, workshops, and concerts.
what separates us from the pack
Online learning should not have to mean endless hours staring passively at a screen.
The Electrify Your Symphony "Home Edition" provides you and your students with easy-to-digest tutorial videos that stimulate student interaction and inspire them to PLAY.
We supplement that with live Zoom time with Mark Wood and/or any of our Artist Mentors; who will first visit with your group as a whole and then spend time working with them in small ensembles for more individualized training.
And, finally, we will give your students performance skills that will make them stars of their own music video!
the possibilities
of combining technology
Collaborating on music projects in an online environment creates new opportunities for teaching and learning.
Small ensemble work allows the spotlight to shine equally on ALL of your students; increasing skills and the self-confidence that goes hand-in-hand.


This is the platform where we'll post music for your program, additional units of study, and more. Everything is organized in one central location, customized for your school, into easy-to-find folders for you and your students to explore.

An optional add-on to your EYS Home Edition program, Soundtrap is our online cross-platform music studio where we can collaborate with you and your students. And the best part? You don’t need any special gear because you and your students can record directly from your computer or device!

Optional add-on: SmartMusic is an online practice tool that will help you learn more about rhythm, sight reading, and other key music concepts. A metronome, tuner, and the ability to loop sections are built right into the app, plus you’ll get immediate feedback to help you correct your pitch.
Their huge repertoire library even includes a great selection of Mark Wood’s original music and arrangements. SmartMusic is a great tool for you to have year-round as you assign practice exercises and songs, and monitor individual student progress.

Optional add-on: Discord is a free voice and messaging service used around the world and it’s one of the great ways we’ll be able to socialize and hang out in our EYS world! You and your students will be able to connect in a safe online environment.
DISCORD is a free app that you can download to your phone, tablet, or computer.

Professional Development
We understand that everyone's needs will be different during this school year. Most districts will include requirements for you to incorporate online elements into your music program. We have many courses to choose from that will provide you with tons of ideas for lesson plans and give you substantial hours of Professional Development credit. All of our course materials are geared towards helping you to inspire, retain, and recruit students for your program.